

Informal communication about all areas of my professional work, from reflections on my ethnographic research experiences and updates on my academic activities, to posts focused on pedagogy and writing

doctoral work, Documentation, dissertation, style Victoria Dalzell doctoral work, Documentation, dissertation, style Victoria Dalzell

How to Use a Dissertation Style Guide

Many doctoral students know how to navigate their discipline’s style guide, but they do not always know that they are required to follow their university’s style guide or their program’s dissertation style guide as well. This blog both explains how a discipline’s style guide works with a dissertation style guide and outlines some of the advice I’ve given to doctoral students in the writing center for using these two guides together.

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doctoral work Victoria Dalzell doctoral work Victoria Dalzell

How Much Is Too Much? Balancing Citations within Prose

Finding a balance between talking about other people’s work and your own analysis in an essay can be hard. You want to demonstrate that you’ve done the research necessary to support your points but avoid accusations of plagiarism. What balance should you strike? Here are four questions to ask yourself to determine whether or not you need more citations—or if you have too many.

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